In Regional Museum in Presov (Krajské múzeum v Prešove, Hlavná 86, Prešov, Slovak Republic) on October 11, 2022, the opening of the exhibition of the best works of art within the All-Ukrainian Project for young artists “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” (part of the exhibition collection).
We will remind you that the International Association of Culture and Art initiated the Project in Ukraine in 2011. And since then, “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” has been successfully presented in Ukraine and abroad for ten years. The coordinator of the Project is the Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation TORBA, and its organizer is the NGO Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives.
During the operation of the Project, it was possible to enable the participation of more than a dozen children who live in specialized institutions (orphanages, boarding schools, etc.). Due to the joint efforts of the organizing committee, sponsors, patrons, and art fans of many European countries, artistic remains, stationery, and sweets were purchased for the children staying in these houses with the funds received from the benefactors. The initiative team of the organizing committee visits specialized institutions, conducts master classes in painting and graphics, and helps submit the works of their residents for participation in the Project.
This Project aims to open a space for the creative self-expression of young Ukrainian artists and popularize their art worldwide. Thanks to the efforts of organizers, benefactors, patrons, and artists of Ukraine and partner countries, the Project is realized exclusively as a public initiative. Over the years of the exhibition tour, “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” has already been presented in Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Zhytomyr (Ukraine), Warsaw, Krakow (Poland), Zug (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Paris (France). Until today, thousands of people have viewed the exhibition of all editions. We welcome another exhibition partner in Slovakia – Presov Museum of Local Lore (Krajské múzeum v Prešove).
It is possible to view the expositions until December 12, 2022, inclusive, from 08:00 to 17:00, according to the museum’s work schedule.

The program and current information about the Project are posted on the official websites of the Project coordinator of the Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation TORBA and the Project organizer of the Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives.