The “Filizhanka” Women’s Club is a project aimed at searching, developing, and enhancing the creative potential of women. The name has been chosen to preserve the local verbal identity – the local dialect of the Galicians. The activity of the center is aimed at involving various women’s formations in the project, especially in the field of creativity.

A series of meetings unite socially active and creative individuals who share their experiences, skills, and abilities. The creative outcome is planned to be showcased beyond the club (galleries, exhibition halls, streets) of the city and, if possible, in the region.

Due to the limited number of available spots, we kindly ask you to register your application for participation in the project.

Fill out my online form.

Заявку для участі у проекті мають можливість залишити усі охочі, заповнивши заявку розміщену нижче.

У разі позитивного рішення на мобільний номер, зазначений в реєстраційній формі, надійде sms-повідомлення (запрошення) до участі у проекті.