Project for people aged 5 – 16 years
Project initiator and founder:
International Association of Culture and Art
Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”
General Project Coordinator:
International Association of Culture and Art Project Coordinator in Ukraine – representative from IACA
Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”
Project organizers:
Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives
Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”
Official Project Partners in Ukraine:
Lviv Palace of Arts
Арт-галерея National Library of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise, Kyiv
The aim of the Project is to identify young talents in the fields of fine and decorative arts, support their creative development and present their best works to the world.
TOPIC – Prosto nebylytsi.
- to involve children and youth of the country in the cultural and artistic processes;
- to promote the results of the existing creative potential of the Project participants;
- expand the cultural and artistic worldview of children and young people through the declared Project.
2017 is coming to the end, bringing the seventh edition of the All-Ukrainian Project for Young Artists «PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” into history. On the Christmas eve, the organizers announced the results of the competition program. The culmination of the annual Project took place within the walls of the permanent official partner – Lviv Palace of Arts. In spite of the traditional cold in the exhibition halls, it should be mentioned that the number of participants of the solemn ceremony of opening the exhibition collection of works and handing over awards to their authors was higher than in the previous year. Out of over 700 works from 20 regions of Ukraine, 150 works have been nominated by the International Qualification Commission (Jury) for the collection “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2017.

Along with the exhibition of the best works of the competition, the works of guests-participants of the Project traditionally been presented. This year their authors are the pupils of the Protection of Holy Virgin boarding school for children with special needs and the orphanage “Milus Jesu” in Lviv region. We thank the trustees of these centers for their indifference to their wards, for enabling the organizing artists to hold workshops for children and to present their work during a time of the event.

This year for the second time named postage stamp «PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2017 was released in the world by State Enterprise “UkrPoshta”, designed by the organizers of the Project. On December 22, 2017, during the solemn awarding ceremony, the solemn redemption of this unique mark took place, small circulation – not whole 100 units. The solemn redemption of the mark was attended by: People’s Artist of Ukraine – Fedir Stryhun, general Project Coordinator – Andriy Sendetskyy, dipl. IACA representative – Monika Nenska, author of the brand project – Serhiy Havrylovych, Academic Head of CCI in Lviv – PhD Oleh Bolyuk.

On behalf of the Coordinators, Organizers and Participants of the «PROSTO NEBYLYTSI» Project 2017, we express our sincere gratitude and wish the health, love and blessings of the Lord to all benefactors, partners, members of the international jury, patrons and their relatives for their kind care and preparation. Thanks only to you, your decency, your humanity, substantive help and unreasonable self-esteem, the Project is being implemented at a high and unprecedented level for Ukraine for the seventh year in a row.

This year’s jury included 9 specialists in fine and decorative arts from Ukraine, Poland, France and the Netherlands:
Roman Luchuk painter, Kosiv (Ukraine);
Yaroslav Didula painter, assistant professor, Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture of the Institute of Architecture of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv (Ukraine);
Yuliia Stempitska senior lecturer of the Department of Graphic Design and Art of the Book of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, Lviv (Ukraine);
Anton Kovach honored Artist of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Drawing of the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts, Uzhhorod (Ukraine);
Blanke Latka painter, Warsaw (Poland);
Robert Boersma painter, Noorbeek (The Netherlands);
Misia Konopka painter, Warsaw (Poland);
Monike Necka painter, Krakow (Poland);
Patrycia Gintz-Pi painter, assistant department of the drawing at the Art Center in Grenoble (France).
Winners of the All-Ukrainian Project:
Age category 5 – 7:

Age category 8 – 10:

Age category 11 – 13:

Age category 14 – 16:

Special award:
Аліна Душина – Харків Анастасія Гаврилко – Львів Анастасія Дигдалович – Львів Анастасія Дмитрі – Івано-Франківськ Анастасія Майорова – Ніжин Анастасія Наумчук – Кремінна Андрій Ясінський – Коломия Антоніна Град – Рубіжне Аня Лехновська – Львів Артем Балагуровськи – Харків Василь Сібілев – Шостка Вікторія Дмитроца – Зимна Вода Віталій Iжак – Кремінна Дарина Гнатів – Львів Дар’я Харченко – Черкаси Діана Олеськів – Ходорів Діана Пінчук – Новий Білоус Єва Добровольська – Чернігів Єлизавета Загамула – Нікополь Єлизавета Килинич – Львів | Іван Лисишин – Стрий Катерина Нікітчук – Нетішин Катерина Слаба – Львів Ксенія Iваненко – Рубіжне Марія Ткаченко – Чернігів Назар Майданський – Івано-Франківськ Оксана Грицишин – Ходорів Олександра Білопольська – Полонне Олександра Козакевич – Львів Олександра Максимів – Львів Олена Кальчук – Львів Олеся Зубінська – Стрий Поліна Кузьменко – Львів Соломія Трух – Лапаївка Соня Садоха – Дніпро Софія Гадельшина – Шостка Софія Канюка – Скадовськ Софія Паламарчук – Київ Юля Iсакова – Лисятичі |
The exhibition of the best works of “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2017 can be viewed in the large exhibition hall on the first floor of the Lviv Palace of Arts (Copernica 17, Lviv) until January 5, 2018. Next, the exhibition collection will begin its exhibition tour from the city of Kiev. In June 2018, the collection will leave Ukraine and continue its tour the the partner country showrooms.

We are grateful to all the talented young artists of Ukraine for the wonderful works that art lovers in Lviv can admire today.
We invite all young artists of Ukraine to participate in the eighth edition of the Project, which will traditionally start at the end of March 2018.
We wish you new creative achievements, and grateful admirers of your talent.