The project has been realized for nine years. Its purpose is to create a space for the expression of young Ukrainian creators and to promote their art in the world.
In 2011, the International Association of Culture and Art started a project in Ukraine through the prism of which Ukraine’s bright artistic potential can be discerned. The project, which everybody aged of 5 to 16 can participate in, presents young talented artists who promote the creativity of their thoughts, innovative thinking and search for new visions. The coordinator of the project “Fine and Decorative Arts Contest “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” in Ukraine is Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”, and its organizer is the Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives.

During this time more than one hundred children who live in specialized institutions of Lviv region (orphanages, boarding schools, etc.) participated in it. The charitable participation of the organizing committee, sponsors, philanthropists and art admirers of many European countries creates a real event for the children in these centers. Visiting such places is an invaluable source of communication for both guests and their residents.
To commemorate the meeting, they are always presented stationery, sweets, clothing and more by the organizers. Each year, from April to November, the Organizing Committee team visits specialized institutions, conducts master classes on painting and graphics and then helps to submit work to the exhibit.
This year, young creators who have been deprived of parental care have traditionally had the opportunity to participate in the Project. It is worth noting that the works of such participants “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” are out-of-competition and are accepted to the exhibition without preliminary evaluation.
878 paintings from 22 regions of Ukraine were sent to participate in the All-Ukrainian project “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2019. 787 paintings participated in the contest, while 42 paintings out of them were painted by children deprived of parental care and living in orphanages of Lviv Region. Over 150 works have been chosen for the exhibition of the best paintings.
The International Association of Culture and Art invited 5 specialists from the sphere of fine and decorative arts from Ukraine and 4 from abroad to be members of the 2019 qualifications commission.
Artists, art critics, professors and scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland and Lithuania have been invited this year.
Volodymyr Ivanyshyn is a wood carving artist, senior lecturer at the Department of Artistic Wood at the Lviv National Academy of Arts, and member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine.
Alla Rudenchenko is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts, Professor of the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting at the Mykhailo Boychuk State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design in Kyiv. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Serhiy Bryliov is a sculptor, senior lecturer at the Department of Drawing and Painting, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Natalia Kopytko is an artist, Chairperson of the Art Education Department at the Institute of Painting and Art Education, the KEN University in Krakow. Krakow, Poland.
Maryana Demchuk is a painter, photographer. Zurich, Switzerland.
Ihor Kozhan is a Merited Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Director General of the Andrey Sheptytskyi National Museum. Lviv, Ukraine.
Halyna Otchych is a watercolourist, illustrator, architect, designer, President of the Ukrainian International Watercolour Society IWS Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine.
Vaicys Gintautas is an artist, Head of the Painting Department in Kaunas, Lithuanian Union of Artists. Kaunas, Lithuania.
On December 13, 2019, the solemn presentation and awarding of authors at the Lviv Palace of Arts took place.
The exposition collection included works on sculpture, painting, graphics and mixed techniques of the best works of the All-Ukrainian Project for Young Artists “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” in 2019
Special award:
Аліса Гризун, 12 р., м. Суми;
Богдан Кіяшко, 8 р., м. Ніжин;
Вікторія Гуріна, 15 р., м. Кремінна;
Єлизавета Загамула, 16 р., м. Нікополь;
Єлизавета Макуха, 10 р., м. Шостка;
Ілона Андрущенко, 14 р., м. Львів.
Ірина Максимчук, 15 р., м. Ніжин;
Катерина Сокол, 13 р., м. Хмельницький;
Марія Чернова, 9 р., м. Кремінна;
Наталія Ребенко, 14 р., м. Середина-Буда;
Олексій Мар’єта, 13 р., м. Суми;
Ольга Антонюк, 10 р., м. Нетішин;
Поліна Ковтонюк, 15 р., м. Черкаси;
Софія Дмитренко, 11 р., м. Суми.
Laureate 1th degree
Laureate 2th degree
Настя Кролевецька 13р.
Без назви
ШосткаІрина Стасишин 9р.
А ми на дереві живем!
ЛьвівДарина Мусієвська 6р.
ЛьвівОлена Єрмоленко 11р.
Ой, на горі три коти…
СєвєродонецькМарія Федух 13р.
Друзі наші менші
ХмельницькийМаксим Жмурко 10р.
ОхтиркаЮстина Сеньків 9р.
Цвіт папороті
Новий РозділАліна Пєвнєва 14р.
Круторогий крококрил
Laureate 3th degree
Марiя Перекопська 14р.
Світ казок
Кривий РігАнастасія Мучичка 7р.
ВоловецьДарія Щербакова 9р.
Бегемот та равлик
ХерсонМарія Набока 12р.
ХерсонВікторія Черкас 12р.
Лис Микита
КоломияДіана Чубан 14р.
“Я не жирафа” – сказала істота
КоломияРостислав Іваницький 8р.
Дивозвір, що співає
СоснівкаПоліна Зубко 13р.
Джентльмен з викрутасами
СєвєродонецькАнна Тютюнник 13р.
Зародження нового світу
Participants of the exhibition of the best works of the project “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2019
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Project is conducted solely as a public initiative and, accordingly, every year great efforts are made by the organizers, benefactors, patrons and artists of Ukraine and partner countries.
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The state-owned enterprise “Ukrposhta”, thanks to the kindness and promptness of the Lviv Directorate, has released another trademark of the Project.
Special thanks to Lviv Authors Drama Theater SPIROGRAPH, without which it is difficult to imagine both the preparation of the Project itself and the holding of its solemn events and tour presentations.
The National Union of Artists of Ukraine made its debut in the 2019 Project Affiliate.
Despite the shortening of the presentation of the exhibition collection in Lviv, the exhibition tour “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2019 envisages better cooperation with Project partners in art galleries outside Lviv and Ukraine in general.
“Together, we are adble to change the world for the better and be proud that we do not waste our lives”
General coordinator of the project,
Andriy Sendetskyy