Today, February 6, 2024, marks the official opening of the exhibition for the All-Ukrainian Project for young artists PROSTO NEBYLYTSI 2023 at the Art Gallery of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine in Kyiv.
In the exhibition space of Ukraine’s capital at Hrushevskoho Street 1, we invite you to view a selection of the best artistic works from the thirteenth edition of the Project. We encourage residents and guests of Kyiv to visually savor the extraordinary creative output and connect with the world of dreams and fantasies of authors from various artistic locations across Ukraine. The exhibition is open until February 25, 2024.
The collection features 40 out of 87 artistic works by young creators from Ukraine, which were recognized by an international qualification panel in 2023.
The presentation of the entire exhibition collection traditionally took place in Lviv. Residents and guests of the Lion City had the opportunity to enjoy the results of the talent and exceptional skill of young artists from December 6, 2023, to January 15, 2024.
Every year, at the Project’s climax, a new postage stamp, “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI,” with a unique image, was presented.
The entire exhibition collection of JUST FABULATIONS 2023 can be viewed online or on the pages of the printed catalog.
Following the presentation tour across Ukraine, the exhibition will traditionally be displayed in galleries of partner countries.
“Today, we must nurture the talent of those who will captivate the world tomorrow!” said the Project’s artistic director, Andriy Sendetskyy.