All-Ukrainian project for young artists “Prosto nebylytsi”
Project for people aged 5 to 16 years
Founder of the project:
International Association of Culture and Art
General Project Coordinator:
Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”
Project organizers:
Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives
Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation “TORBA”
Official Project Partners in Ukraine:
Lviv Palace of Arts
Art Gallery of the National Library of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise, Kyiv

This year’s jury included 9 specialists in fine and decorative arts:
Halyna Stelmashchuk – Doctor of Art Studies, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Chairperson of the Department of the History and Theory of Arts at Lviv National Academy of Arts.
Kostiantyn Cherniavskyi – Candidate of Art Studies, Head of the Department of Drawing and Painting of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Merited Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan, Deputy Chairperson of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Wiktor Jedzejec – Doctor of Art Studies, Professor, Vice Rector for Science and Development at the Academy of Arts in Warsaw, Poland.
Vakaris Bernotas – Professor at Klaipėda Department of Visual Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania.
Dariya Alioshkina – Artist (monumental figure, artistic cutting, graphics).
Agnieszka Daca – Doctor of Art Studies, Artist, Teacher of the Visual Art Workshop at the Department of Arts, the Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland.
Jolanta Galdikaite – Artist (graphics and painting), Photographer, Sculptor – Kaunas, Lithuania.
Oleh Shupliak – Artist, Merited Artist of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Laureate of the Mykhailo Boichuk Prize and the Lepkyi Brothers Prize.
Olha Lukovska – Candidate of Art Studies, Artist (decorative arts), Teacher of the Department of the Graphic Design and Art of the Book, the Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Deputy Director of Lviv Palace of Arts.
The winners of the project were:
Age category 5 – 7 years:

Age category 8 – 10 years:

Age category 11 – 13 years:

Age category 14 – 16 years:

Special award:
- Аліна Лактіонова 7р. “Осіннє містечко” Рава-Руська
- Єгор Єфіменко, Олексій Лахтюк 10р. “З душею і серцем” Запоріжжя
- Лада Романченко 9р. “Мій дивосвіт” Харків
- Євгенія Приходченко 10р. “Грифон” Суми
- Поліна Зеленська 10р. “Соковита скибочка” Рубіжне
- Малєна Мирошніченко 9р. “Солодка дівчинка” Рубіжне
- Божена Гайчук 8р. “Чаювання у папуг” Рубіжне
- Софія Праведнікова 12р. “Королева фруктового чаю” Кривий Ріг
- Карина Боженко 12р. “Кольорові пісні” Суми
- Христина Снігур 12р. “Морське царство” Стрий
- Олександра Лисюк 12р. “Нескінченне життя” Вараш
- Лада Аліфанова 12р. “Надвечір” Нікополь
- Софі Сєдова 16р. “Птах, що не співає” Львів
- Анастасія Дигдалович 15р “Відповідь” Львів
- Максим Стаськів 16р. “Шито білими нитками” Львів
- Тетяна Харченко 16р. “Зірка охорони твого часу” Вільна Терешківка
- Маргарита Казимирович 15р. “Барвистий когутик” Рава-Руська
- Андріана Грицило 15р. “Вечір у золотому лісі” Ходорів

Participants of the exhibition of the best works of the project “PROSTO NEBYLYTSI” 2018
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