The culmination of the next educational and academic season of the SPIROGRAPH Art School has been the competitions, festivals, performances and exhibitions and then the traditional open-air Summer Palette which was held in the plenary estate of our patron in Skole Beskydy.
This year’s art event was attended by willing “spirographs” who have been carefully selected beforehand. Only spirographs who completed the academic year with a “higher than expected” grade were admitted to the competition, because working in an artist’s environment requires not only shaky, successfully acquired skills during the academic year, but also the personal qualities of each participant for the sake of a healthy emotional and psychological climate.

The open air was traditionally organized and implemented by educators and actors of the SPIROGRAPH Author’s Drama Theater. It is worth noting that every year’s annual meetings in the mountains are unique, informative, emotionally unforgettable that erupt in memories and call for the next creative achievements.
Creative work (artistic, theatrical and dance) during the open air is another achievement for all participants of the Summer Palette: both young people and those who are in their childhood.

We thank all the participants and benefactors for the wonderful creative atmosphere, mutual benevolence and thorough artistic accomplishments.