On Saturday, September 12, 2020, the Society of the School of Arts went on a Plein air in the vicinity of the well-known ancient center of a painting of Sudova Vyshna. The companies were accompanied by a great mood, emotional conversation, and picturesque landscapes of eastern Opillya.

Such educational Plein airs belong to one of the Center for Cultural and Artistic Initiatives’ permanent projects called “Art-Weekend”. The cognitive-educational program provided to learn about the specialization of production and economic work of the Goat Farm Elise “Chevrette” (La Ferme d’Elise “Chevrette”), which stretches freely on the picturesque hills of the village of Dmytrovychi, Horodok district, Lviv region. By the way, the young hostess Elise, whose name is the farm, studied for a long time in our “SPIROGRAPH”.
Having studied the primary production processes and learned the taste of a wide range of goat cheeses from the Goat Farm Elise “Chevret”, our friendly society was scattered searching for beautiful picturesque landscapes. And there are many of them!

Happy and full of new impressions, the “spirographs” returned home with the conviction that they would definitely come again, assuring the hospitable hosts.