From the first day of moscow’s full-scale invasion of our Ukraine, the world thinking community has been horrified by the unprecedented brutality and meanness of the putin regime. Our sacred war with Evil has lasted for centuries since the thieving kingdom of low-spirited monsters arose in Zalissia on the swampy banks of the moskva river. Intellectual genetic fund of the civilized world. But the worst thing is that the virus, which arose from the original complex of inferiority and proximity of the “bloody dump” – muscovy, is spreading worldwide, which is trying to infect the planet’s space. This is a terrible disease that has plagued Ukraine for centuries. Only a few states of the civilized world, not reckless and aware of the need for the group to escape the “red plague”, understand what a constant threat to peace and tranquility are muscovites.
Our Center does not stand aside from military events and joins the everyday victories of each person, which brings our glorious Victory over the eternal enemy closer. Among our activities, one of such achievements was some political posters, such as the reflection of students of the School of Arts “SPIROGRAPH” and members of the Club of Ladies “Filizanka” on the current military events.
Here is a virtual online gallery of posters created under the auspices of the Center for Cultural & Arts Initiatives.
Let’s win together! Everything will be Ukraine!